Most Anticipated Remaining Films of 2019

What To Look Forward To

With October arriving, I’ve asked our experts here at The Hollywood Outsider to weigh in on their most anticipated films to close out the year. A somewhat surprising result with a holiday feature, an original property and the finale of a saga making up our top 3 with a slew of honorable mentions. Let’s get started!

No. 3: Last Christmas

November 8th

Emilia Clarke and Henry Golding star in the Paul Feig directed rom-com which seems to be taking from It’s A Wonderful Life as well as other Christmas classics. That being said, who wouldn’t be excited about this? We just don’t get these anymore. Romantic comedies are mostly driven to Netflix, and Christmas movies are more miss than hit, but with everyone involved including a story by Emma Thompson, this one is sure to hit the mark. Last Christmas comes to theatres nationwide on November 8th.


No. 2: Knives Out


November 27th

Fresh off the “controversial” The Last Jedi, Rian Johnson brings us an original take on the classic who-dun-it style films such as Clue and Murder on the Orient Express. The trailers are great and the reactions coming from film festivals have been very positive. Daniel Craig puts on a different suit as the lead investigator trying to solve a murder with a ton of great suspects in the cast such as Jamie Lee Curtis, Toni Collette, Lakeith Stanfield and Chris Evans. Twist and laughs are sure to be many when Knives Out arrives in theatres on November 27th.

No. 1: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

December 20th

Surprise! Who guessed it? The closing film in probably the most important franchise ever is only fitting to be our number one. J.J. Abrams returns to finish the saga that started over forty years ago. Curiosity plays a big part in this, as we can only hope that the saga is wrapped up with a pretty bow. So many questions will be answered as Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, John Boyega and Oscar Isaac  return on December 20th to every theatre near you.

Honorable Mentions

Will Smith faces himself in Gemini Man on October 11th

The whole gang returns on October 18th for Zombieland: Double Tap

Another Stephen King adaptation rolls out with Doctor Sleep on November 8th

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About TJ Delaney

TJ Delaney is a blog writer expressing movie and TV based opinions, film reviews and more. Former host of the Movies With The Mrs. podcast and future Youtuber, he reviews every movie watched for the first time at Letterboxd. A movie fan becoming a movie fan.