Interview with Video Games: The Movie Director Jeremy Snead

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SCOTT: That’s a really cool story.  So what’s next for Jeremy Snead?

JEREMY: Well, I have a handful of projects that are in development, right now nothing that I can give a title to, but there is sort of a “TBD” project with Sean Astin that we’re talking about and developing and a couple of others related to video games that are also in development, untitled, but hopefully you’ll be seeing those in the next 6 months.

SCOTT: Looking forward to it.  All right, before we let you go, Jeremy, I do want to say something that I’ve never said to anybody before, and I mean this with the utmost sincerity.  Thank you for making this film.  It pretty much was exactly what I wanted from a documentary about video games, and it is probably only the second time in my life I’ve felt moved by a documentary.  The closing credits were just touching, for lack of a better word.  I really feel like you’ve given me a tool to explain to those around me that don’t play games why I like being a gamer, and I really do appreciate that.   So thank you for that.

JEREMY: Thank you, so much.  That really means a lot to me, it does.  I’m so glad that you liked the film and [that] makes it worth it hearing that.  I really appreciate that.

AARON: And good luck on the release.  We gotta let you go, because we know that have other interviews, so take care.

SCOTT: And thanks again for taking the time, man.

JEREMY: Thanks, guys.  Absolutely.  Thank you.


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About Scott Clark

I'm often referred to as the everyman of our show, due to my open-minded approach to film and television. Whether it is tentpole spectacle or an indie arthouse showcase, I approach the podcast and reviews just as I perceive most of you do. An original host and reviewer with The Hollywood Outsider, you can now find me discussing gaming culture on The Gaming Outsider podcast.