Eleven Movies For Halloween

blair witch

Day 11 – The Blair Witch Project

Oh yes.  Just wait for the nerd explosion for mentioning this one in a list for the most influential or favorite horror films.  ‘It sucks!’, ‘Overrated!’, ‘Not Scary!’.  They’re so cute in their hipster igloos.  Are you a person that is a fan of the ‘Found Footage’ genre? Then say your thanks.  It is all due to this film.  Paranormal Activity 1-36, Last Exorcism, even Cloverfield, all owe their debt to the well filmed and masterful marketing this gem pulled off at the time of its release.  And also, still the most successful Found Footage film to date.

So why suggest it when so many declare outrage against it?  Because it’s still good.  Like most Found Footage flicks, it does not hold up to repeat viewings,  but if you have never seen Blair Witch?  You owe it to yourself to turn the lights out, grab a couple friends and enjoy the surroundings.

Released in 1999, The Blair Witch Project offers itself as a collection of footage recovered from 3 missing documentarians investigating the aforementioned Blair Witch legend, deep in the heart of woodland Maryland.   The movie builds slowly and methodically, as our heroes – Heather, Josh & Mike – find themselves more and more lost, all the while realizing they have become part of the very legend they were researching.  The film is capped off with an exhilirating ending that will have you freeze-framing and possibly slapping the person to your immediate right…then rewinding just to see if you really saw what you think you did.

Ignore the countless imitators and grossly overthought sequel, The Blair Witch Project is one of those rare horror films that launched  an entirely new genre and finally gave us something we constantly say we really want – Something new.  If you have never seen it, ignore the haters (who probably raved about it at the time, but hipster mentality says to bury that deep, deep inside), and give it a look. – Aaron


There’s our list. Some you might agree with, some you may not. We do not know all though. So what Horror films do YOU feel are required viewing for All Hallows Eve?

About Aaron B. Peterson

Aaron is a Rotten Tomatoes accredited film critic who founded The Hollywood Outsider podcast out of a desire to offer an outlet to discuss a myriad of genres, while also serving as a sounding board for the those film buffs who can appreciate any form of art without an ounce of pretentiousness. Winner of both The Academy of Podcasters and the Podcast Awards for his work in film and television media, Aaron continues to contribute as a film critic and podcast host for The Hollywood Outsider. He also hosts several other successful podcast ventures including the award-winning Blacklist Exposed, Inspired By A True Story, Presenting Hitchcock, and Beyond Westworld. Enjoy yourself. Be unique. Most importantly, 'Buy Popcorn'. Aaron@TheHollywoodOutsider.com