Amanda M. Sink

Film and television have been a primary focal point in Amanda's life since she was young, serving as the foundation for a great deal of friendships. Submersing herself into the content, getting wrapped up in the different stories, characters and visuals is her favorite pastime. She often compares it to a roller coaster ride; that rush of adrenaline and feeling of tension, yet excitement, is what she love about movies. A great film is one that the audience can connect with - one with purpose. As a Rotten Tomatoes accredited film critic, Amanda makes every effort to maintain an open-mind to all movies and genres, giving them the fair chance they deserve... Except for Lady in the Water, that never should have had a shot. You can find Amanda every week on The Hollywood Outsider and her other podcasts: Smirk and Veronica's Marshmallows. Email:

Glass (2019) | Film Review

Glass is the convergence of M. Night Shyamalan’s Unbreakable (2000) and Split (2016), so if you haven’t seen those two – stop reading this and go check them out. Yes, you will want to see both before you see Glass. To discuss Glass, we need to recap the prior two installments. In Unbreakable, David Dunn (Bruce Willis) was the sole survivor of …

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